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Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders Program
(SToP Program)
Be Your Side. By Your Side.
科研 為你
More About
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders (SToP) Program
更多關於 「精神物質濫用至精神疾病預治計畫」
The SToP Program is established by Dr. Albert Chung in 2017 after joining the Department of Psychiatry, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. It is a research-based program that aims to help individuals with substance misuse problems. Not only treating the co-existing conditions arisen from the substance being abused, the ultimate goal is to help the misusers SToP using their abused drugs.
SToP計畫是 鍾嘉健醫生 於2017年加入香港大學李嘉誠醫學院精神醫學系後成立。 它是一項以研究為基礎的計畫,旨在幫助濫用藥物或毒品人士。 SToP計畫不僅要治療患者因濫用藥物或毒品所產生的精神疾病共病狀態,最終目標是幫助濫用藥物或毒品人士停止 ("SToP") 濫藥。
SToP Program's research focuses on clinical pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in substance misuse psychiatry, epidemiology on substance misuse, epidemiology on substance misuse and psychiatric co-morbidities, and the prediction of conversions from substance misuse into psychiatric disorders.
Current Research
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders (SToP) Program
「精神物質濫用至精神疾病預治計畫」 的研究
SToP Program's research focuses on clinical pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions in substance misuse psychiatry, epidemiology on substance misuse, epidemiology on substance misuse and psychiatric co-morbidities, and the prediction of conversions from substance misuse into psychiatric disorders.
SToP-C—rTMS x CUD study refers to Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders for Cannabis—repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for people with Cannabis Use Disorder. It aims to look into whether multi-sessions of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment can reduce craving and the severity of dependence in individuals who are using cannabis, and if rTMS treatment can further prevent their relapses in cannabis use.
SToP-C—rTMS x CUD是「精神物質(大麻)濫用至精神障礙─無創定位腦磁激療法於「大麻使用障礙症」患者的應用研究」 的簡稱。 本研究旨在探討無創定位腦磁激療法 (rTMS) 是否可以降低濫用大麻的人士的心癮、依賴度,以及rTMS在預防大麻復吸的效果。
(SToP-C—rTMS x CUD is sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund 2021 from Beat Drugs Fund Association)
SToP-C—PeCoG study refers to the Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders for Cannabis - Prospective evaluation on Cognitive function and its associated Genetic vulnerability in cannabis users study. It aims to look into if neurocognitive changes, and if genetic vulnerability is associated with such changes, in regular cannabis users.
SToP-C—PeCoG是 「精神物質濫用至精神障礙—大麻—大麻使用者認知功能及其相關基因遺傳易受性的前瞻性評估研究」 的簡稱。 本研究旨在探討長期性使用大麻是否與使用者認知功能衰退相關,以及基因遺傳易受性是否與大麻使用者的認知功能衰退相關。
(SToP-C_PeCoG is sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund 2019 from Beat Drugs Fund Association)
SToP-S—CogFx refers to the Substance misuse to Psychiatric disorders—A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Change in Cognitive Function in Stimulant users. It aims to look into if stimulant use is associated with cognitive changes, and whether chronic stimulant use will result in cognitive declines.
SToP-S—CogFx 是 「精神物質濫用至精神病(興奮劑)—評估興奮劑使用者認知功能變化的前瞻性研究」 的簡稱。此研究旨在探討興奮劑使用者認知功能變化。通過這項研究,了解重複或長期性使用興奮劑是否與使用者認知功能衰退相關。
(SToP-S_CogFx is sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund 2018 from Beat Drugs Fund Association)
SToP-S refers to the Substance misuse To Psychosis for Stimulants—An Early Assertive Pharmacotherapy Intervention Study. It aims to look into if early medication intervention can help individuals who are abusing stimulants with psychosis to stop developing into a more disabling dependence, or co-morbid state.
SToP-S是 「精神物質濫用至思覺失調(興奮劑)—早期藥物干預治療研究」 的簡稱。此研究旨在探討早期藥物干預, 是否可以幫助因濫用興奮劑引致曾經呈現思覺失調症狀的人士, 停止發展成更致殘的成癮依賴或思覺失調共病狀態。
(SToP-S is sponsored by Beat Drugs Fund 2018 from Beat Drugs Fund Association)
Completed Research
We thank every of our participants who contributed their precious time and efforts in all the SToP Program Researches.
Substance misuse To Psychosis for Ketamin
—Who is At Risk?
—氯胺酮(“K仔”)—誰屬高風險?」 研究
Result of this study is published in April 2021 at the academic journal "Schizophrenia Research" under the title
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders for Cannabis—Attitudes and Beliefs of Hong Kong Medical Students about Cannabis
SToP-C—A&B explores how medical students view cannabis (marijuana) use in medicinal and non-medicinal purposes, and how their knowledge about cannabis will affect their attitudes towards prescribing cannabis for medical use.
Result of this study is published in August 2022 at the academic journal "Complementary Therapies in Medicine " under the title
"Attitudes and beliefs of medical students on cannabis in Hong Kong"
SToP-C stands for
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders for Cannabis. This study aims to look into if early medication intervention can help individuals who are abusing cannabis with mood symptoms to stop developing into a more disabling dependence, or co-morbid state with depression or anxiety disorder(s).
SToP-C是 「精神物質濫用至精神病—大麻」 的簡稱。此研究旨在探討早期藥物干預,是否可以幫助因濫用大麻引致曾經呈現情緒症狀的人士, 停止發展成更致殘的成癮依賴, 或抑鬱或焦慮症共病狀態。
Result of this study is published in online in December 2024 at the academic journal "Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment" (formerly known as "Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment" under the title
Other Services
Substance misuse To Psychiatric disorders (SToP) Program
SToP Program has its clinical services provided through the Substance Abuse Clinic at the Queen Mary Hospital,
and at the Western Psychiatric Centre. Our SToP Program Research Team gives back-up and support to our research study participants by embracing our motto: "Be Your Side. By Your Side".
我們的研究團隊為我們的研究參與者提供支援, 以我們的座右銘:「科研 為你」 。
Clinic Consultation
The service is provided at the Substance Abuse Clinic at Queen Mary Hospital and at the Western Psychiatric Centre. After you joining the clinical researches from the SToP Program, you will have proper and timely follow-up at the clinics to ensure your safety and quality care.
該服務由瑪麗醫院的藥物濫用診所和西區精神科中心的藥物濫用診所協助提供。 在你參加了SToP計畫的臨床研究後,你將在診所進行適當和及時的覆診跟進,以確保你的安全和健康。
SToP Program
Ongoing Events & Activities
Join Us and See You Soon
Radio Interview
Dr. Chung shared with the audience about the scene of common drug of abuse in Hong Kong, in particular among the youth population. The interview also touched on how these commonly abused drugs might harm their mental and physical health.
Press Conference
A Prospective Study to Evaluate the Change in Cognitive Function in Stimulant Users
Dr. Chung released the study results of a 12-month prospective longitudinal research involving 76 stimulant users on their cognitive functions. Stimulant users who were female, older, and less educated had lower scores on global cognitive function; those with longer lifetime stimulant use and active stimulant use had poorer executive functions.
鍾醫生發布了一項為期 12 個月的前瞻性縱向研究的結果,該研究涉及 76 名興奮劑使用者的認知功能。研究結果發現女性、年齡較大和受教育水平較低的成癮者在整體認知功能上得分較低;終身興奮劑使用時間較長且尿液檢測結果陽性的活躍興奮劑成癮者則有較差的執行能力。
The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation Public Lectures on STEAM Education
Hello, Mental Health!
Technology has revolutionized psychiatry from enabling an early recognition of mental health issues, facilitating the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, to monitoring and enhancing mental health conditions (e.g. the wide application of Telepsychiatry during COVID-19 pandemic). This lecture will introduce some common mental health conditions, and how technology opens up new avenues for the delivery of more accessing and convenient mental healthcare services for patients.
Come to Have a Chat - 中環
Here For You
We will be around the city and outlying islands, and feel free to come chatting with us for more detailed information about our services and research studies tailored for your needs.
Come to Have a Chat - 南丫島
Here for You
We will be around the city and outlying islands, and feel free to come chatting with us for more detailed information about our services and research studies tailored for your needs.
SToP Program
Past Events & Activities
Get in Touch 聯絡我們
Substance misuse To Psychiatric Disorders (SToP) Program is committed to exceeding your needs.
Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.
SToP計畫致力於超越你的需求。如果你有任何問題,建議或特殊要求,我們很樂意聽取你的意見。 所以請不要猶豫,立即聯絡我們。
Department of Psychiatry, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
(LINE/ WhatsApp/ Call Us) +852 6044 0993
WeChat ID: SToPprog